Saturday, May 31, 2008

First post and thoughts

I'm always looking at blogs that show how much the blogger is worth or their financial goals. I liked the one recently beachgirl really does a nice job. I like how it is pretty personal and shows some non financial goals as well.

Some of my thoughts and goals are to clean up the house. It's so hard to declutter. Our house is always clean, but just cluttered. It happened after I moved home from college. I also always feel guilty like well I might use that. Now I think let me give it to someone that WILL use it. If I haven't used it in a year I won't use it. This is working well. There are only certain rooms that need some help.  The "play room" that is a mishmash of stuff. Right now it houses music, old vhs tapes, important papers, books, college books and music info, exercise equipment, and a few old toys and things from when I was in school. I have the floor pretty much cleared. I need to take inventory in the books. I want to organize my childhood papers and see what can be thrown out. The exercise equipment I want to move to the basement. I ideally want to use that space for giving lessons.  The basement is also a catch all for STUFF. It houses craft supplies, holiday decorations (which I decided we will give away since we don't use the paper decorations) my aunt's stuff and her first child's toys, some windows (screens and the other) laundry items, miscellaneous furniture, and books and bikes. I would LOVE to make this into an exercise/family get together relax room. I need to take inventory of the books, give the bikes a different home, go through craft supplies, and decorations, and find a home for the windows. There are a few other rooms that need some help but they are getting weeded out alot more. 

One financial goal of mine is to have assets. I'm still foggy on what is considered an asset that is material. I have furniture, electronics, stocks, bonds, cds. I know some of that is material and financial. I'd love to increase my assets. 

Another thing that is on my mind always is saving for my child's college. I have the upromise citi card. This helps while I'm buying things. 

I want to have what money I have grow for me. 

I want to get some real estate and ideally rent and live in one. 

One minor thing that I am struggling to purchase is the summer pass to the local "beach" $125. I love the outdoors and socializing and sun and water. I think I may do that this week. I can go on my days off and read books and float and swim a little and get SUN!

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