Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dollar Store Decorating

I have a love hate relationship with the Dollar Store. I like getting cleaning supplies and toiletries there. Cards too! I still doubt the quality of food that they have there, call me crazy. Ours recently started selling Starbucks Frappuccino!!! That is nice. I always wish I could find/make nice gifts from there. I started looking up online information on decorating with things from the Dollar Store. So far it's candles, baskets, and bags. Some of the ideas are in fact TACKY, which I will not do.

I do remember a girl that was an interior design major that lived in the same dorm/floor as me freshman year. She decorated their dorm room SOOO well with only dollar store finds. Her eye was amazing.


electricdunce said...

I think the treat of the dollar stores is that you never know what you will find there. My daughter and I always enjoy running out eyes over the merchandise, it is fun at Christmas to see such an assortment of decorations. I certainly don't need any more, but I usually end up with a small variety of holiday things when i visit.
And they do have a nice selection of cleaning things. If I could just get more interested in those, rather than all the other bits and pieces I might be able to get my house organized. Ha! Probably not...


D said...

I found some nice little cotton bath mats made in India in all kinds of colors.