Monday, March 22, 2010

Just ran~1/2 a mile

This is a HUGE feat for me. I have never been a runner. Even when i was under 100 lbs all my high school years, I never could run. I'd get that stitch in my side or lose interest. I am a highly stressful person. I have anxiety that waxes and wanes and is a constant underlying condition. I also tend to go in bursts of energy where I can outdo most people in getting stuff done and fast (and well) or tuckering out quicker than others too.

I figured learning to run would be beneficial and helpful. I needed an exercise outlet and an anxiety outlet. Lately I've been going through some testing and trying times. There are old emotions, silly people, thoughts, time, and being sick that are all weighing me down. Today I read my girl friend's blog and listened to some of her youtube videos and read about her journey towards fitness. I just had to do something tonight.

I hopped on the treadmill, turned on the tv. I started out walking just to warm up, then decided I'd try running AGAIN...I always start out and get bored or give up. I started out too fast, then I decided to go slower and see if I could go farther/longer if I was going slower. Sure enough, I was lasting. I made it to a 1/2 a mile. This may sound like a very minute amount of running, but I am beyond happy and know that I can hit the 1 mile mark pretty soon.

I know what I'll be working :)

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