Tuesday, December 29, 2009
new year
Record my grandparents and their stories about when they were growing up, life experiences, advice, and family stories.
Blog regularly and become more prominant in the blog communities
Save money
Eat healthy and exercise
Laugh every day, a good hearty laugh from the belly
Play music both on the stereo and on instruments more, had lost my passion since my cousin died, but it is now back.
Live within my means
Be happy and content
Use up what I have before getting new or repurpose things
Work on a book idea
Buy used if possible and if it is still nice
Start to jog and attempt to run
Simplify material possessions
Live more simply
To not be so hard on myself!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
It is up
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Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Something simple and happy
It has really taken off. I try to go when I can, I give lessons on Tuesday nights and that is when it is held. 6:30 pm- now 9:30. We seem to fall short on chairs lately, which is a good thing!
We sing loud and enjoy other music that we really don't know. My handsome and I enjoy each other's company and have made friends from there as well.
You never know what will happen or come out of that night. It's always magical.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Naked pooh
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Handmade goodness
Next two have distinct style that I grew to love when I was tiny. The lady made these dolls for years and just retired this fort days. They all came with names and the first I ever had was pattycake. Her name hinted what her hands were doing.
Raggedy ann my nana (grandma shireys mother) made me. One of the very few things I have from her.
Another distinct doll style. This blond haired raggedy ann some woman made and my granny bought for me when I was tiny.
The bunny auntie made me and the falling off apron my mum made me.
These are definitely treasures!
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Happy cleaning day!
I can organize anything and do it well. The key is to divide it up and have like stations or areas that are specifically for that and have homes for everything. I think it's fun to try out different ways and see what works best.
I'm looking forward to doing all of that today.
Laundry, I just love the idea of it getting squeaky clean and smelling oh so fresh.
Clean sheets, there was an episode on Dharma and Greg, the show I loved to watch back in the day, and she said it's clean sheet day! We have a joke at home about clean sheet day and that is just what it is. I love crawling into a bed with clean sheets, I would have clean ones everyday if I could!
Ok, as much as I hate chemicals I love the smell of Pledge! I don't know what it is about it that I love but it just makes me feel homey and smile.
Fresh air in a room. I love to open the windows or have circulating air.
Curtains wide open to let the weather in. I was told that keeping the sun shining in will eliminate germs and keep a healthy room, not sure how much that is true, but sounds good.
Excerpt from the fotygraft album
I bought this book at our local library re-readables. Its the used book area where you can purchase them.
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The fotygraft album
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Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Argyle fun
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Sunday, October 18, 2009
It's coming all together
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Halloween pillows
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Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Gluten free
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Saturday, October 3, 2009
Divine pumpkin
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Thursday, October 1, 2009
My fall color
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The Law of Attraction
This summer I was enjoying some "free time" after getting my masters degree in Instructional Design. I applied at all the big name companies here, even ones that were not hiring, but figured it couldn't hurt. I know with the way the economy is going some places are advertising jobs, but seem to be dragging their feet and taking time to fill the position. Just by a fluke, or was it, I ran into the kindergarten teacher/friend at the farmers market. She informed me that the computer teacher was leaving and the position was open. Most people have no clue about my masters degree and what it is. I have had so many people tune out what I say and my explanation as to what it is and they just hear in......design. They fill that in with Interior Design. Well as much as I love that as a hobby, no it was not a masters in that. So the principal thought it was in interior design and wondered why the teacher was telling her about me. I got a call that day offering the position. So I got a job without even applying for it! Of course they have all my paper work and information already.
This has happened before....I had wanted to try my hand out at playing at a church and sure enough an ex bfs father came down to my work at the time and said to call them up cause I could have the job.
I've been wanting to build up my private lessons, but not all about advertising so I put it out and I have a growing number of students.
Put it out there and it will come to you. I can't count how much things are coming my way lately. Attract what you want. Think and dream of what you want and it will come. You might think that it is wild and you will never have what you have, turn that into a positive. I will have this, I want this. See what happens!!! It's like magic, but all coming from God, after all he made the universe.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
My treat
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Monday, August 10, 2009
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Friday, August 7, 2009
Gift Giving

"Give experiences as gifts, not stuff. Instead of shopping for someone come birthdays or Christmas, think of an experience you can give them instead. A date with you, doing something fun, hanging out, cooking, playing, talking, exploring. A fun time at a park or beach. Something other than everyday. An experience is much more meaningful than an object." This is taken from the article from Zen Habits that I just mentioned.
I have already made up my mind that I am making homemade or as close to homemade/handmade gifts for Christmas and Birthdays.
One reason was the cost of things and how ridiculous gift giving can get. I am always flattered that I have been thought of by so many people, but I also appreciate a card with a handwritten note in it just as much!
The second reason is that when I have given handmade gifts the reaction that people have to receiving that gift is better or more so than getting something mass made. Last Christmas my family exchanged some gifts that were made by women in 3rd world countries and that with the purchase of them it helps them to have a better life and support themselves. To me that is meaningful as well.
A particular gift that I am looking to give is canned goods. People go crazy for the peaches we can and you'd think that we gave them something that cost 100's of dollars. Though I am biased the peaches are delicious and I have yet to have any that are better!
I also agree that taking someone out for a meal and good conversation could be the best gift they could receive. Or a simple cup of wonderful coffee and company. It truly IS the thought that is the most precious part of gift giving rather than what you are giving.
Love not Stuff
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
A Vision for a Room
The room where the bookcase is we used to call the "Playroom" it housed a ridiculous amount of toys when I was younger. Now I would love to make it more a library/exercise room. My great-grandfather turned it into a room after there was a fire in that area of the house. It used to be the garage so it does get a bit chilly in the winter, but we have a heater out there. There are built-in book shelves that house mainly books, finally! The goal is to put all books out there and bring up a bench from the basement to put in front of the shelves like you see in magazines. I always think that it looks very inviting eventhough it's placed in front of the books.
The other thing that is out in the room is the treadmill, elliptical machine, and stationary bike, along with yoga equipment, weights, and a gazelle. I called Directv on Monday to set up an appointment to get TV out there. Right now the small 16" or whatever tv will have to suffice till we get a little bigger tv, preferrably with a dvd hooked up. Someone suggested I hook the Wii up to the tv and play while on the treadmill, that is a little to much even for me!!!! I can't wait to go out and watch the morning shows that I have discovered give me comfort and happiness while walking on the treadmill, especially on rainy and snowy days when I don't drag myself outside to walk.
Monday, August 3, 2009
French Taste

There is just something about the romance that is part of the French culture. I love the thought of espresso, croissants, flowers, dining outside, enjoying every bit of food you eat, wine, cigarettes, walking, staying thin, fabrics, colors, gold, the language, poems, mystery, excitement, my list goes on.....
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Critical or Helping?
I like to be positive in life and not be a negative nelly, but there are some things that I think people need to help others with. I have been toying with the idea of making a list. I'm not perfect and I constantly watch people and take note on successful people and those that I admire. Somethings work no matter who you are and others do not work ever..... I think of it as beautifying lives. In a nice critical way but with gentle words.
Goodwill is even on Twitter! Rock on....
The other flier was how they are accepting computers and electronics. Any brand of computer is eligible, they are encouraging reuse and responsibly recycle unwanted electronics :)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Anniversary decal
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Cash for clunkers
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Tuesday, July 28, 2009
My town
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My town
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Little guy at rest
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Giant Eagle produce
Aldi's produce
Monday, July 27, 2009
New Junky Gypsy Goodies

My Junk Gypsy Package Came!
Junk Gypsy Collection

I have been looking in my drawers and seeing what I can toss. The things that make me smile the most are my Junk Gypsy clothes and accessories. The sayings are great, most are from songs. I love the one "Wild Women Don't Never Get the Blues" I try to live by that. I have a belt that I must get a belt buckle for, my bracelets with the sayings love like you've never been hurt, dance like noone's watching, sing like noone's listening, live today like it's your last...they are turning colors because I love them so much. I think the words and images are what make me happy and just want to wear one of them each day. I have a package coming of some JG goodies I ordered. Can't wait!!!
2 Specialness
Purse prices to be lowered!


Great deal on the Mini Hipster!
Looking for a cute new bag? You'll like our Mini Hipster ... and the price. It's on sale for $18 (reg: $45) today only!
Colors on sale:
Daisy Daisy, Mediterranean White, Frankly Scarlet, Night Owl, Pinwheel Pink*, Mod Floral Blue
*10% of Vera Bradley's net proceeds from the sale of products in Pinwheel Pink will be donated to the Vera Bradley Foundation for Breast Cancer and other breast cancer projects and services. Visit verabradley.org.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Satellite too- This is where I work
View Larger Map
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Beautiful little Iraqi girl
Where does money go? Look at this great pic

After reading about finances this is from visual economics website
This makes sense and helps to break down all the expenses we have in regular life. I think a visual helps to put it in perspective.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I am almost 27 and have NO DEBT. Yes, I was blessed that I had a mother that planned ahead and paid for my education, BUT she worked 2 jobs and had a masters degree and SAVED. She did inherit a little and I mean little bit of money but put that towards my education. My father contributed briefly and very little, considering I am a girl (female expenses that male students never have to worry about, whether necessary or just feminine) and I was expensive in college, having never worked and not realizing that money is not long lasting and hard to earn. When I was growing up I begged to have a job like my friends, mum said you have the rest of your life to work (so true) and my responsibilities were to get good grades and excel in my music. I do wish I would have learned to set aside 10% of whatever money I got into a savings and to keep a set amount out for church (I always tithed).
I love to read about financial advice. I like to find out how to be frugal and neat tricks to putting away money (like saving spare change or certain bills like all $5 dollar bills). I love the no brainer just put away ANY amount of money and that is SAVED:)
Money doesn't buy happiness because if you can't be happy without money, you'll never be happy with money. It sure does make things less stressful for everyday expenses and bills :-p
Monday, June 15, 2009
Lilly Pulitzer
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
My goodies from FarmGirl Melanie!!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The One Dollar Diet Project
Since the original experiment ended, Christopher and Kerri have continued to consider and question the economics of eating well, and have started some new trials that will be recounted in their forthcoming book on Hyperion in January of 2010.
Check it out! This was amazing to read and inspiring. Makes you think about your food habits!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Check out my online yard sale!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Regal Belt from Junk Gypsy

I am in dire need of a new belt. I know this is a belt buckle, but I still want it :-p The actual belt can come later. Something about crowns, crests, gold, etc. that just makes me feel giddy and happy. Pop over to Junk Gypsy to get your own.
It's MAY!
I have the house about where I would like it to be. I have a system for cleaning and reddin up. It's working so far. I have some more changes to make, but the biggest thing that made a difference in keeping things in order was having a system of categories or homes. If it's papers -mail, magazines, etc or anything else that I don't know where to put it it goes on my desk. My purse goes on my desk as well so I can find it.
I have a bookcase near my desk where I put books, things that would go in my purse when I switch them, important papers, and some magazines. I like to keep my important papers/folders in purses that I don't use anymore, because I hate how sterile office containers look. I also am tired of coasters and decided to use an old doily for on my desk and on the coffee table a silver tray. You don't worry about putting the coaster away or getting it out, the tray is always out and houses a candle.
I was tired of seeing a laundry basket or hamper to put my dirty laundry in, so I used a fabric bag that is red and white large plaid to house it and it looks MUCH prettier to the eye. The bedroom still needs help, but I'm figuring it out and what can live in there and what should not.
Still have plenty of things gathered up for an online yard sale. Lots of clothes that are in perfectly good condition, craft things, some videos, and random odds and ends. I just have to take some pictures and do that.
Keeping house is important to me because it just means so much to see a house that is kept and organized, but with your own touch. Not a magazine home that is stale and sterile. Put your own likes and touches in the room, but not cluttered and thrown together carelessly. Move things around and see if you like them there, if you don't try a new place. It's fun and breathes new life into that room.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Dollar Store Decorating
I do remember a girl that was an interior design major that lived in the same dorm/floor as me freshman year. She decorated their dorm room SOOO well with only dollar store finds. Her eye was amazing.
Friday, April 3, 2009
I've tried to take a mini technology hiatus after being glued to electronics for the past several months. I really believe we need to limit and/or plan time to use technology and then escape for a bit. Helps with the soul.
There's a list of things I want to accomplish this summer. It's only growing!
I have been getting the house in order and gathering up items for the street wide yard sale May 2. It always rains and people never want to pay much for anything, but it's fun and I enjoy talking to people.
One big goal is to wake up earlier and accomplish things in the morning (when I'm most productive) and blog regularly!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
THE Blue Dress

I am in love with a certain color, not sure what the proper name for it might be, but it is divine! It is happy and uplifting. I think of it as a tropical/summery blue. I have always loved this color and so has my mother. I was browsing Ralph Lauren like I do almost daily and found this dress. I am trying to watch my spending, but oh this would be perfect for me. Look at the feminine cut and the color. Ralph never lets a girl down:)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Louis vuitton card deck

JC jewelry

waning risky post! but alas I like to push the line
The ankle strap on the stripper's platforms broke, they are no longer just hideous, they're shiteous.
Rudder-free service for tracking expenses
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Sale at Bluefly

Saturday, February 7, 2009
A great Valentine's Day gift

Thursday, February 5, 2009
listening to music
Losing our loved ones in blogland
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Look at this
Rudder-free service for tracking expenses
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Bunnies are being born at Janets Creative Pillows!

Sweet Cottage Dreams~ Adorable!

Saturday, January 31, 2009
Wanted: Dress Form for desperate fashion wannabe
I just love a nice ....
The best looking movie
Friday, January 30, 2009
Mardi Gras thoughts
How many of you hold yard sales?
Crowns, Kings, Queens

Traveling in STYLE

Ruffles and Spring
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
overstock - tiger chair $239! and decorating

Overstock is having their sale. I haven't really ever bought anything from them, but I love to browse. I never seem to find things I like there. I love their commercials and concept. They have some great priced furniture I'm checking out. I always dream of my own house and how I will decorate it. I love a crisp clean decorating style with a creative touch. Old money classic with a splash of romantic/shabby chic......I like a style that tells a story and doesn't seem stale. I also love the look of hotels. Wish I could buy stuff from wherever they buy. My goal for my bedroom is to have it like a hotel room because you sleep SO WELL because of no clutter or mess. :)