I had tried to not post about this, but it is heavy on my heart. My handsome's first cousin, Jennifer Daugherty was tortured for 36 hours, killed, and thrown away in a garbage can that was placed at a local middle school. This was not in my town, but a neighboring city that is 30 minutes away. Jennifer was a 30 year old woman that loved life and loved meeting people. She was mentally challenged and had the mind of a 12-14 year old. She could hold down a simple job, was always clean and presentable, held conversations, etc. She was extra loving and trusting, a wonderful example for all of us. Jennifer thought she was going over to her "friends" house to eat dinner and watch a movie. She got on a bus from her parent's house and left with a smile thinking that she was out for a fun time with her friends, only to never return.
I have watched some of what the family has had to go through. As if it weren't enough that they had to arrange her funeral and go through the red tape of that, they had to sit through the horrific details that were presented at the preliminary trial today. The 6 monsters that all took part in the torture and killing of Jennifer showed no remorse and some even laughed and smiled when the confessions were played.
This could have happened to anyone's mother, sister, aunt, cousin, daughter, friend, girlfriend. Several of the monsters had been arrested before and the one was arrested 3 times for violence against his ex wife, ex girlfriend and mother. Judge Debra Pezze let him go all three times. Something is wrong with this.
My heart breaks for them. I am still trying to think what I could do for them and what others can do to help. I wish I could take away the pain.
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