I have loved blogging and exploring the blog world, but something was missing. I wasn't sure what it was, but I just knew it wasn't whole. I have found my voice and my style. I have a special friend that helped me through this without truly knowing that she did.
Kim at Home is Where the Heart is has helped me.
Her blog was inspiring and just her personality. We are constantly sending each other links to blogs that we think each other will love. Our tastes are similar and our dreams and values kindred. Thank you so much Kim for guiding me and helping me find my voice in blogging land. xox
I am just so thrilled that it all has hit me and come together. Now the transformation begins!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Snow Dayssssss x 4
I know you'd think that since I had 4 days off from work that I'd be posting on here. Au contraire mon amie, I totally was decluttering and cleaning and it feels SOOO good!!! I have piles of clothes and trinkets to go to the salvation army and some to go to the consignment store.
I'm still so upset at myself. I have 2 rebates from Verizon that are Visa cards, do you think that I can find them.... NO!!!! Wth I really would like to find them and USE them. Oy. I put them in that "safe place" the dreaded one that you can never find again.
Well I bid you adieu and off I go to declutter some more.
I'm still so upset at myself. I have 2 rebates from Verizon that are Visa cards, do you think that I can find them.... NO!!!! Wth I really would like to find them and USE them. Oy. I put them in that "safe place" the dreaded one that you can never find again.
Well I bid you adieu and off I go to declutter some more.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Valentine's Day My Way

My wonderful handsome wanted to take me to my favorite place, Bedford Springs, for Valentine's Day. He emailed the hotel to ask what they offer for V-day and forwarded it to me. I was so surprised that he would take me there because it is not an everyday place, it's rather expensive. I love that place and to me it's for special occasions.
I looked at the menu options and made my decision. This was several weeks before V-day so I thought we had time. Well just last week we called and the only opening was 9:30pm for dinner at the room we wanted. Ok, I have to wake up early the next morning and we are over an hour away. I won't be able to relax. We decided against that. Another time just because.
To me I'd be happy with a nice bottle of champagne and a home cooked meal or just an everyday place. We had the best New Years Eve ever with a bottle of Dom Perignon and each other. Simple and sweet, but with what matters. Call me silly, but my recipe is- good company + simple meal + bottle of Clicquot = the BEST time ever.
LL Bean and Me
I had my first real credit card with LL Bean... mainly because that is what my family used. It was fine, it was nice getting the coupon rewards towards free stuff. I hated their website for paying online. This was through Bank of America. Then, they broke away and went with some other company.
When my card expired I decided to go for one that would give me rewards for my future child's education. Yes, call me whatever, I like to plan ahead and be set. That is just who I am. I had one with Citi that opened a Upromise account. I loved my Citi card, their statements, and their website. They were fabulous and I never had 1 single issue with them EVER. Then, the Upromise card switched companies and then I was stuck with Bank of America again... I have had 2 different incidents with fraud and now I'm having my doubts about where it's coming from. I read "I See Rude People" by Amy Alkon and she mentions how it was an inside job when she had fraud on her Bank of America account.
So I decided to LEAVE BOA and go back to my old faithful LL Bean card. They have great customer service, they genuinely care, and you get coupons to put towards goodies. Their stuff is quality and doesn't wear out. I do remember reading that if it does they will replace it. I like how it's casual and sturdy. I'm not a huge fan of the LL Bean style but for teaching I'm all about it. I have already picked out what I want for my first purchase on my card :)
It feels good to be back with a card company that I can trust. Peace of mind.
When my card expired I decided to go for one that would give me rewards for my future child's education. Yes, call me whatever, I like to plan ahead and be set. That is just who I am. I had one with Citi that opened a Upromise account. I loved my Citi card, their statements, and their website. They were fabulous and I never had 1 single issue with them EVER. Then, the Upromise card switched companies and then I was stuck with Bank of America again... I have had 2 different incidents with fraud and now I'm having my doubts about where it's coming from. I read "I See Rude People" by Amy Alkon and she mentions how it was an inside job when she had fraud on her Bank of America account.
So I decided to LEAVE BOA and go back to my old faithful LL Bean card. They have great customer service, they genuinely care, and you get coupons to put towards goodies. Their stuff is quality and doesn't wear out. I do remember reading that if it does they will replace it. I like how it's casual and sturdy. I'm not a huge fan of the LL Bean style but for teaching I'm all about it. I have already picked out what I want for my first purchase on my card :)
It feels good to be back with a card company that I can trust. Peace of mind.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Mango bag for Haiti Fundraiser

Check out the Mango bag line that will be available in March. I just love the map of Haiti and how this is super simple but intriguing to the eye. It's a bag I'm interested in!
This is my town...

This photo was used on the placemats at one of our local restaurants. I loved looking at it and imagining all the people that had lived here before my time.
Saving up nickels and dimes

Well.. I think it would take me entirely too long if I just saved those in order to get the purse that I am drooling over. I love love love the Neverfull PM Damier Azur purse from Louis Vuitton. Anyone that knows me knows that I am obsessed with LV. I have a small collection of new and used pieces and constantly am growing that collection.
I like this purse because it reminds me of spring and summer. I love the warmth and sun that comes with those two seasons and the light color makes me think of the dresses and clothing that I wear during those times. This purse would go so well with the outfits I wear and it has plenty of room to put things in it.
I can picture myself walking along on the sidewalk in a dress with my sunglasses on and a pair of espadrilles with this on my shoulder and a few shopping bags in hand on a sunny summer day.
This will be put into a small budget. I have my winter purses and this will be my spring/summer purse. :)
Jewelry + Refreshments = TOO MUCH FUN

This past Saturday I hosted my Kickoff Silpada Jewelry Party. When I first signed up to be an Independent Representative I knew when I'd have my party and booked it right away. I invited lots of people knowing that just like a wedding that not everyone that you invite comes.
I cleaned the house the week before and did a quick cleaning a few days before the party. I ran around that morning making last minute errands, the grocery store for light appetizers-pillsbury 3 for $10 finger food things (I'll try to get the name of them, they were delicious), homemade brownies that are my Mammy's specialty (a popular favorite for anyone), pumpkin dip for chips, pretzels, and sunflower baguette bread, some fake chicken or vegetarian chicken nuggets that everyone loved and couldn't believe were not real chicken, and paczquis-the jelly filled donut with sugar on the outside. I ran to the liquor store to get some 2 bottles red wine of merlot and cabernet sauvignon and 1 chardonnay and champagne. I had a bottle of Coke and of course water available, I offered to make fresh coffee, but there were no takers.
I put them out on a card table that had my favorite table cloth- white with gold stars- on and put a cream blanket on the coffee table to display the jewelry, catalogs, and information.
An hour and a half before the party I took a shower and got all "dolled" up, went down to put the food in the oven to heat up, open the wine and get ready for some jewelry fun.
My guests arrived a half hour early and helped me put the refreshments out and test them. LOL The early guests were my handsome's family, aunt, 2 cousins, and their 3 kids amongst them. I forgot to get coloring books so I got my Mammy to run to the Dollar store for crayons and coloring books. That's what happens when you either have adult parties or no little ones over ever.
I had around 6 guests that came through out the 1pm -4pm time frame. They had fun munching on food, trying on jewelry, talking with the other partygoers, and trying on the jewelry/looking at the book and having some pop or wine.
Some guests could not come and placed orders before and after the party. In total I had 16 guests and some possible bookings. It was a huge success considering it was my first party/show. I am still touched by all the support and sweetness that I got from my friends and family.
I loved chatting with friends and catching up. What a truly great way to have an excuse to have a party!?
Note: I meant to take pictures of the party and totally forgot while having so much fun!!!
My New Silpada Business

I just had to share my excitement with you all!! I'm so giddy I can't stand it!
In January I decided to jump into selling jewelry, Silpada Jewelry to be exact. I'm sure some of you have heard of it. People are independent representatives that sell the jewelry.
The jewelry is .925 sterling silver jewelry the same quality as Tiffany & Co. jewelry. The jewelry is sturdy and I should know because I am rough on my own. If something is not sterling silver I turn green and my jewelry eats away and breaks.
There are three ways to have fun with the jewelry. Home Parties, Book Parties, or becoming a rep yourself. The three services are offered to fit your own needs.
If you want to earn FREE jewelry you hold a home party. Home parties are held at your house, restaurant, or wherever the location may be, with the hostess supplying some light refreshments and the fun atmosphere, there is no pressure and just fun to be had. Ladies can try on the jewelry that the representative brings. The rep lets you dress up and try on the jewelry and see pieces live. The orders are taken then and there (outside orders can be gathered from people that could not make it to the party) and the rep totals up the amount of jewelry that the guests bought to determine how much the hostess earns.
For example if there is $500 of jewelry sold the hostess gets $150 free in jewelry. The typical total for party sales is around $950. It is VERY easy to do when you're having so much fun at the party trying on the jewelry with friends. If the total is $950 the hostess earns $285 in free jewelry! There are monthly specials/incentives and if guests book a party you get a bonus as well. For January the special was a $100 jewelry bonus for having 10 orders. February's bonus is $50 worth of jewelry for hosting a party with 10 orders.
Book parties are when the hostess gathers orders herself and turns them into the rep. This can be a very simple and easy way to get orders. There is no location and it's all mobile/portable. The same example applies to this.
If you are interested in becoming an Independent Representative it is easy. You let me know or your rep and we get the paperwork for you and you fill it out, pay a small fee, and mail it in. It is so much fun picking out what jewelry you want to start with, plus you get everything 50% off this time.
You can go to my website and look at the jewelry by clicking on the jewelry catalog option at the top. It's a quick way to check out the awesome jewelry.
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