This past Saturday I hosted my Kickoff Silpada Jewelry Party. When I first signed up to be an Independent Representative I knew when I'd have my party and booked it right away. I invited lots of people knowing that just like a wedding that not everyone that you invite comes.
I cleaned the house the week before and did a quick cleaning a few days before the party. I ran around that morning making last minute errands, the grocery store for light appetizers-pillsbury 3 for $10 finger food things (I'll try to get the name of them, they were delicious), homemade brownies that are my Mammy's specialty (a popular favorite for anyone), pumpkin dip for chips, pretzels, and sunflower baguette bread, some fake chicken or vegetarian chicken nuggets that everyone loved and couldn't believe were not real chicken, and paczquis-the jelly filled donut with sugar on the outside. I ran to the liquor store to get some 2 bottles red wine of merlot and cabernet sauvignon and 1 chardonnay and champagne. I had a bottle of Coke and of course water available, I offered to make fresh coffee, but there were no takers.
I put them out on a card table that had my favorite table cloth- white with gold stars- on and put a cream blanket on the coffee table to display the jewelry, catalogs, and information.
An hour and a half before the party I took a shower and got all "dolled" up, went down to put the food in the oven to heat up, open the wine and get ready for some jewelry fun.
My guests arrived a half hour early and helped me put the refreshments out and test them. LOL The early guests were my handsome's family, aunt, 2 cousins, and their 3 kids amongst them. I forgot to get coloring books so I got my Mammy to run to the Dollar store for crayons and coloring books. That's what happens when you either have adult parties or no little ones over ever.
I had around 6 guests that came through out the 1pm -4pm time frame. They had fun munching on food, trying on jewelry, talking with the other partygoers, and trying on the jewelry/looking at the book and having some pop or wine.
Some guests could not come and placed orders before and after the party. In total I had 16 guests and some possible bookings. It was a huge success considering it was my first party/show. I am still touched by all the support and sweetness that I got from my friends and family.
I loved chatting with friends and catching up. What a truly great way to have an excuse to have a party!?
Note: I meant to take pictures of the party and totally forgot while having so much fun!!!
Glad your party went well, Bridget. So sorry I didn't make it...had to do some running with hubby and I was embarassed to tell you that :( weekends we do things together and after all these years he still doesn't like to be away from me.
See...if I would have come I could have taken pictures for you!
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