I just had to share my excitement with you all!! I'm so giddy I can't stand it!
In January I decided to jump into selling jewelry, Silpada Jewelry to be exact. I'm sure some of you have heard of it. People are independent representatives that sell the jewelry.
The jewelry is .925 sterling silver jewelry the same quality as Tiffany & Co. jewelry. The jewelry is sturdy and I should know because I am rough on my own. If something is not sterling silver I turn green and my jewelry eats away and breaks.
There are three ways to have fun with the jewelry. Home Parties, Book Parties, or becoming a rep yourself. The three services are offered to fit your own needs.
If you want to earn FREE jewelry you hold a home party. Home parties are held at your house, restaurant, or wherever the location may be, with the hostess supplying some light refreshments and the fun atmosphere, there is no pressure and just fun to be had. Ladies can try on the jewelry that the representative brings. The rep lets you dress up and try on the jewelry and see pieces live. The orders are taken then and there (outside orders can be gathered from people that could not make it to the party) and the rep totals up the amount of jewelry that the guests bought to determine how much the hostess earns.
For example if there is $500 of jewelry sold the hostess gets $150 free in jewelry. The typical total for party sales is around $950. It is VERY easy to do when you're having so much fun at the party trying on the jewelry with friends. If the total is $950 the hostess earns $285 in free jewelry! There are monthly specials/incentives and if guests book a party you get a bonus as well. For January the special was a $100 jewelry bonus for having 10 orders. February's bonus is $50 worth of jewelry for hosting a party with 10 orders.
Book parties are when the hostess gathers orders herself and turns them into the rep. This can be a very simple and easy way to get orders. There is no location and it's all mobile/portable. The same example applies to this.
If you are interested in becoming an Independent Representative it is easy. You let me know or your rep and we get the paperwork for you and you fill it out, pay a small fee, and mail it in. It is so much fun picking out what jewelry you want to start with, plus you get everything 50% off this time.
You can go to my website and look at the jewelry by clicking on the jewelry catalog option at the top. It's a quick way to check out the awesome jewelry.
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A home party business training system that will increase your home business sales and income! Deb Bixler teaches real action steps to stay organized, find business and reach your goals working from home.
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